Thursday, February 2, 2012

Predelani starinski portreti - Altered antique portraits

Sem oboževalka antropomorfizma v umetnosti. 
Z leti sem pofotkala zavidljivo zbirko živalskih portretov, ki jih je nadvse luštno uporabiti za tovrstne igrice. 

I adore anthropomorphism in art. 
Over the years I shot an enviable collection of  animal portraits which are just perfect for this kind of games.

© K.B.R. aka Lali


  1. Excellent work! All the pictures are very nice, but the hedgehog and the Lady with a dog's head uare perfect under all aspects. You balanced the head and the body so well that the final look is very natral. Congratulations, it must have been quite tricky.

  2. Hm... anonymous and mistyped.
    Of course, it was me...

  3. Hehe, of course it was you ;-)...this reminds me of "it is I, LeClerc" from Allo Allo :-D
    Thank you very much for the compliment,Mario. Well, it wasn't that tricky at all, it seems that the recipe lies in the luck of finding just the right head for the right body. My favorite is, regardless of technical imperfections, the first one.

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